Spring Time in Calgary By sv Prairie SeaShell on 30 Jun, 2012 3:14 PM
May and June found me back at work at BlueGrass and Don tinkering with LED lights for the boat and doing chores around the house.
He painted the ceiling in our suite and brought some of our furniture from the shed. He found a nice office desk and has set up a "man cave" at the back of our suite where he has his computer toys and a small work bench. It's finally starting to feel like home !
Our weekly visits with the girls found us baking, swimming, gardening and playing at the park.
Evelynn must take after her great-grandma Ruth...she loves to bake !
Every Friday afternoon Evelynn and I have been going swimming while Grandpa stays with Amelia during her nap. She has learned to put her face in the water and do the dog-paddle, but still is a little hesitant to go down the slide or jump in by herself, but she has already graduated from full life jacket to just little arm bands to keep her afloat.
Whenever Pam and the boys find time out from their busy schedules to come to our side of town, we take advantage of the proximity of Nose Hill Park and get out for a hike. This time, Owen & Evan brought their new puppy, Kipper, and took him for a long walk.
Evan is starting to take an interest in the plants and flowers, but his preference is still BUGS!

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