Christening By sv Prairie SeaShell on 25 Aug, 2006 7:00 PM Christening Day sv Prairie SeaShell
The Christening

Christening Prairie SeaShell
Leaving Nanaimo proved to be a bit of a challenge this time. We had anchored closer to shore this time as the wind was blowing pretty good and we wanted to be in the shelter of the shore. When we went to lift anchor, it seems the anchor chain was stuck in the crevice of some rocks, and it took us about a half hour of dancing around the chain to get loose.
The rest of the day proceeded better, and we went thru Dodds Narrows with about 3kn of current and Don had no trouble keeping Prairie Seashell in line. There was a caravan of many other boats all going through at the same time. I was a bit of a struggle, but we put up the main and jib for a couple of hours and had a nice easy sail. Wind died down in the afternoon, but we did get our first glimpse of some dolphins just as we were nearing the entrance to Ganges.
Greg & Julia came over to Salt Spring Island on the ferry, and we headed over to Montague Bay for the night. The bakery boat was still there, so we ordered cinnamon buns for breakfast, made some supper and then cracked open a bottle of Salt Spring Island wine that Greg & Julia had hand picked from the local winery. We officially christened the Prairie SeaShell
Christening Prayer
God Bless this ship and all that sail in her.
Almighty God – Thou who watches over sailors.
Over all who venture on great waters,
Guide now The Prairie SeaShell.
Give her a true course through the seas which are thine.
Give us strength to meet adversity with perseverance ,
Pain with Faith. Bring us through all trials.
Keep us from harm, O lord our God, Almighty pilot.
Steer this ship safely over every horizon to good haven.

Greg & Don

Don steering Prairie SeaShell

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