Shipwrecked By sv Prairie SeaShell on 27 Jul, 2006 7:00 PM Launching on the Fraser River. Maiden Voyage across Strait of Georgia.

Lowering boat
That’s the only way I can begin to describe what laid ahead for us. After the many quick trips out to the boat in the last month, there was no time for housekeeping – or rather boat-keeping and there were tools & supplies strewn everywhere.
The task at hand seemed undaunting and simply overwhelming. It took us the better part of the day just to find the forward cabin and we spent the next three days trying to find places to put things, empty the car and refill it with things that were no longer needed.
According to the trucking company records, we weighed in at 19,000 lbs, instead of the 17,000 lbs that the design called for. So, while we were painting the bottom of the keel in preparation for the launch tomorrow, we also moved the water line up about an inch.

Launch day
Launch day weather was less than perfect. A steady drizzle all day.
We spoke to the crane lift operator early in the morning and he advised he was ready to put us in the water as soon as the paper work was completed in the office. We moved the car, took down the ladder and off to the office we went.
By the time we returned, about 15 minutes later, he had already put the slings on the boat and it was almost in the water. What a disappointment, no video and only a few quick pictures, and definitely no christening! The good news … It floats!!!

Launch Prairie Seashell
Now to give her a test drive! I’m not feeling ready to cross the Straight of Georgia to Salt Spring Island, so we are just going to cruise around the Fraser River today.
We went about 26 nautical miles up and down the river to Steveston and back again. We were going to check out another possible marina to stay at for a few days, but managed to run aground trying to get into Captains Cove. Chart says 3.5m --- NOT! Were able to back off the sandbar and return to Shelter Island transient dock for one more night.
Iain is coming over on the ferry from Salt Spring to make the trip across the Straight with Don tomorrow, I’m going to take the car over on the ferry.

Maiden Voyage 2004
Spent the next week or two tidying up loose ends, making adjustments, a trip into Victoria on the ferry and a trip to Sidney on the Prairie SeaShell.
Haven’t done much sailing as there has either been too much wind, or not enough … just like the farmers, too much rain or not enough … guess we’re never happy. We have however been treated to many days of sunny weather, and beautiful calm anchorages.

Prairie Seashell image

Prairie SeaShell picture

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