Summer time is here again By sv Prairie SeaShell on 22 Aug, 2012 2:33 PM This year we have had some great summer weather.
Summer time is here again!
This year we have had some great summer weather! Before heading out camping, we took in the special fireworks event in honor of the Calgary Stampede's 100th Year.
Fireworks were set off simultaneously in five locations across Calgary ... quite spectacular!
Howard was able to get us all tickets to Heritage Park for the evening and we had a great viewing spot.
We had purchased a tent trailer last fall and had never had a chance to try it out. So our first camping trip this year was out towards the badlands near Drumheller.
The trailer went up without any problems, and the screen house was a god send !!! The mosquitoes were as big as dragonflies and they were ferocious. The screen house kept us away from the bugs, and gave us a bit of shade from the 34 degree temperatures.
Next, we spent a few days with Pam & Howard and the boys at a Provincial Park near Brooks. It was a great location ... beautiful views, bird watching, boat rides and a beach!
Next stop Mazenod, Saskatchewan ... a town of about 3 remaining residences, but they have a great community hall which is used by many of the neighbouring communities.
One of which was Vantage where Don's Dad's farm was located. This year was the 100th anniversary of Mazenod and they were putting on a big party. We were able to pull our trailer up onto an empty lot and take part in the free food, entertainment, parade and fireworks.
Apart from Don's brother Bill & Judy, there were very few people that Don recognized .... guess he's been gone from the farm for too long!
After the festivities in Mazenod, we took a little side trip to the farm. Don says he has never seen so much water in the slough, and the crops were huge. Lets hope the weather holds thru harvest.
Next it was on to Greenwater Provincial Park in Northern Saskatchewan, where Eileen and Rudy spend the summers at their cabin.
Then it was back to Calgary and back to work!!. Our upstairs tenants are moving out, and we will take this opportunity to replace the old carpet, screw down the flooring more securely and get the place painted and ready to rent out again.

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